Handling Quest

Here I'll describe the methods you should use to properly handle quest. I won't go into implementation too much as that varies case by case.

1. Accepting Quest

To accept a quest, call EasyQuestManager.Current.AcceptQuest(QuestID);
With QuestID being the ID of the quest you want to be in the player's quest list. This quest will now be tracked, and it's objectives can be updated as shown below.

2. Checking & Updating Quest Objective Info


There's a few useful methods to help check the progression of quest and objectives.

For example, you can call CheckQuestPrerequisitesCompleted(QuestID); to see if the required quest(s) before the one being checked are done, which is useful, for example, for quest givers showing their quest status above their head.

There's also CheckIfTalkObjInProgress(QuestID, ConversationName); that returns true if a talk objective is in progress for that quest, which is useful if you want the quest giver to talk to the player before actually finishing the quest.

Go To/Move Object Objectives

These are handled by EasyQuestManager's "CheckQuestData" function. This is called during either FixedUpdate automatically or manually whenever you want it to (explained in EasyQuestManager Reference) Note that Go to objectives need the player variable to be set as stated in the Setup section.

Also note that for Move Obj quest, you want to pass a reference to the object by calling

EasyQuestManager.Current.SetQuestObjectReference(GameObject object, string ObjectName, bool Overwrite);

The ObjectName is the one you set in the objective, so make sure those match. Overwrite is if you want to overwrite a reference if it already has one. I recommend calling this in either the object's Start(); or OnEnable(); method.

Collect/Defeat Objectives

For Collect/Defeat objectives, whenever an object is collected call the method EasyQuestManager.Current.UpdateCollectObjectives(ItemName); or EasyQuestManager.Current.UpdateEnemyObjectives(EnemyName);, with ItemName/EnemyName being the name you decided for the objective.

Return/Talk To Objectives

For Return To/Talk To objectives, call either EasyQuestManager.Current.UpdateReturnObjectives(QuestID, ReturnerName); or EasyQuestManager.Current.UpdateTalkToObjectives(ConversationName);.
ReturnerName and ConversationName are the names you decided for the objective.

3. Updating Quest Log

EasyQuestManager.Current.SetCurrentQuest(Index); is useful if you want to show a quest to the player as their "Current Quest," however this can be ignored if you have your own implementation.

4. Finishing Quest

Quest are usually finished automatically, however if you unchecked "Auto-Complete Quest" then you can complete them manually by calling EasyQuestManager.Current.QuestFinish(QuestID);

5. What's Next

Besides this, there are some few useful event functions, which I describe in EasyQuestManager Reference.