EasyQuestManager Reference

There's a few useful events and methods that you can make use of.

1. Methods

void SaveQuestData(); and void LoadQuestData();

This saves/loads the Quest using the QuestSaver script. You might want to replace this method if you want all your save data in one file.

void SetCurrentQuest();

This is useful if you want to show a quest to the player as their "Current Quest," however this can be ignored.

void CheckQuestData();

If you have questCheckUpdate set to Manual, you will have to call this method yourself. This handles GoTo and MoveObj quest.

void AcceptQuest(int _QID)();

Used to accept quest, adding them to the player's questlog.

void QuestFinish(int _QID);

This is called automatically once a quest is finished unless "Auto Complete Quest" is set to false.

void SetQuestObjectReference (GameObject Object, string ObjectName, bool Overwrite);

For any quest that needs to track an object's position, make sure this is called so that it has a reference to the object. Without this, the quest won't work.

bool CheckQuestPrerequisitesCompleted ( int QuestID);

On the quest giver, you want to call this for all the quest they have to check if they're avaliable. The recommended usage is to call it using the OnQuestGet and OnQuestFinish events.

bool RequestTalkObjCompletionStatus( int QQID, string CN );

For Talk To quest, use this when you need to know if the player should get a dialogue relating to the quest. Useful when you want a NPC to change it's dialogue depending on a quest being active.

void CheckReturnObj ( int QuestID, string ReturnerName );

Call this when you want a return objective to be completed if it exist. The ReturnerName is what you defined in the objective itself.

void CheckTalkObj (string npcName);, void CheckCollectObj (string objName);,

& void CheckEnemyObj ( string enemyName );

Called when you want one of these objectives to be completed if it exist.

2. Events